
Monday, 30 April 2012

Who would be tha target audience for your media product?

Our target audience would be between 15 and 27, making it a very large target audience. The audience would be mostly male with some females as well mostly of which will probably be in some form of education.

The target audience would be probably very mainstream, wearing the latest fashions probably shopping at shops like Top shop or Primark. They would watch TV shows based around a similar action genre with a bit of comedy as well, like Chuck for instance. I would like to think they listen to classic rock, perhaps with a liking for White Snake. They would watch the film because they like the films of similar genre and like to keep up to date.

The age certificate of the film would probably be a 12 or a 15 at a push. This is because we would still be able to appeal to our target audience as well as it being accessible for people younger than our target audience.

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